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Ein Experiment   [Original Title]

Country of Origin: Federal Republic of Germany
Year of origin: 1949
Genre: Reportage film
Locations of shooting: n/a

Production Company: Audax-Film, München
Commissioned by: Studentenwerk München
Production manager: Fred Richter
Script: Walter Koch
  Rudolf Krone
Camera operator: Alfons Lusteck
Music: Gustav Adolf Schlemm
Sound system: Tobis-Klangfilm

Keywords: Erziehung/Bildung (Außerschulische Erziehung und Bildung; Berufsbildung; usw. - s. Synonyme), München, Studenten, Universität
Students come from a gate: Jerry (USA), Hans (Germany), Bill (USA), Herbert (Erfurt).
"An attempt to international understanding, the two American students work with their German friends."
The four go through the devastated streets of Munich. The Marie-Antonie-Haus built as the House of international understanding, destroyed during the war and rebuilt. The plaque of his American and German donors. Residents of the house, room doors with names of donors. Bill in the room of Hans, looks at his library: "Literature as a loan, mimeographed textbooks." "Bill always puzzled about the modest meal." A Student solds newspapers to earn money. Bill goes beyond the Geschwister-Scholl-Platz in front of the ruined university., watching from the gallery of the Light Court, the ruined auditoriums, the cleanup work. Debris trains run through the city. Self-help institutions of the student, the student provides quick service work, the students wait. Student as a babysitter, porters. Poster: "Help fix-girl for everything", registrars working in the self-help agency. Construction work in the city.
The 4 students discuss. Munich in the background, industry. "The youth of a whole earth must build a new world." A house is rebuilt. Students in the lecture hall, in the laboratory.
"A hopeful experiment."

Version 1
Language: deu
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: n/a

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