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Foundation Feast held in the Town of Kladno on 15th June   [Assigned Title]

Matiční slavnost na Kladně dne 15. června   [Assigned Title]
Country of Origin: Czech Republic
Year of origin: 1913
Genre: Documentary Film
Locations of shooting: KladnoKrálovská třída, Kladno:SK Kladno hřiště

Production company: ASUM

Keywords: cvičení chlapců, cvičení dívek, cvičení mužů, jízda sokolská, kapela pochodová, nápis Českým dětem česká škola., průvod matiční, průvod slavnostní, transparent vlastenecký, vozy alegorické, alegoric floats, ceremony parade, ceremony parades, exercises performed by boys, exercises performed by girls, exercises performed by men, foundation procession, Marching bands, parade, parade floats, patriotic banner, patriotic banners, sing Czech school for Czech children, Sokol cavalry
Shots from the Foundation Feast held on June 15, 1913 in the town of Kladno: a parade marching through the town, an allegorical truck, banner "Czech School for Czech Children", a bird's eye view - moving allegorical trucks. Afternoon party - refreshment stands, exercises with clubs performed by the Sokol members at the stadium, hustle, women wearing hats. The Asum logo.

Version 1
Language: n/a
Sound: Silent film
Aspect: 1:1,33
Duration: n/a

» Complete Film
Length 111.4 m Request Copy Button
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