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Spring Feast on the Velkopřevorské Square Held on 11 and 12 June 1916   [Assigned Title]

Jarní slavnosti na Velkopřevorském náměstí konané 11. a 12. června 1916   [Assigned Title]
Nazione: Czech Republic
Anno di produzione: 1916
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: Praha:Velkopřevorské náměstí, Praha:Buquoyský palác,zahrada, Praha:Čertovka,mosty přes Čertovku

Himself: Šváb-Malostranský Josef
  Balling Karel
Production company: Lucernafilm

Parole chiave: diváci, divadelní představení, divadlo přírodní, lišče v košíku, orchestr, orchestr Ballingův, scénky divadelní, slavnost kostýmní, slavnosti studentské, stánek s obrázky, tanec v kostýmech, tombola, Balling's orchestra, costume feast, fox cub in a basket, historical dance in costumes, open-air theatre, orchestras, Spectators, stand with pictures, student feast, theatre performance, theatre scenes, tombola
According to the Národních listy [The National Paper] newspaper (11.6.1916) the feast was started by the quarter of French horns performed by the students of the Prague Conservatory. On the courtyard of the Buqoy Palace the dramatic ensemble of the Malostranská Beseda [Popular Education Organization] was performing the operetta of Anatola Provazník "Prodaná láska" [Sold Love]. In the garden of this palace there were dances and songs performed. In the garden of the Velkopřevorský Palace the Budil Ensemble was performing a comedy "Jen mimochodem" [Just Incidently"] written by Eliška Pešková. A part of the feast was also performance of one scene from the Shakespeare play "Zimní pohádka" [The Winter Tale], directed by Ludmila Danzerová. Josef Šváb-Malostranský promised that within the ranks of his performance he would sing a new song.

Version 1
Lingua: n/a
Suono: Silent film
Mascherino: 1:1,33
Durata: n/a

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Lunghezza 137.8 m Request Copy Button
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