Βρίσκεστε εδώ: Αρχική Σελίδα


MFI 278   [Original title]

Χώρα: Hungary
Έτος παραγωγής: 1929
Είδος: Newsreel
Τόπος: n/a

Production Company: Magyar Filmiroda Rt.

  • eng
  • hun
Released by the Hungarian Film Bureau Ltd., 7 Bródy Sándor Street, Budapest VII
The jubilee celebration of the Athletic Club at the Magyaróvár Agricultural Academy on its 30th anniversary.
{Festive parade. Sport demonstration, Javelin throwing, running.}
The youngest "baby" of the Zoo is the recently born little hippopotamus with her mom.
{Hippopotamus and her baby taking nourishment}
Rome. Mussolini and his general staff at the review of fascists recruits.
{Mussolini observing the march on horseback. Marching units of cavalry and footmen, greetings with the right arm raised.}
Preparations are made to illuminate Saint Peter's Basilica
{The dome of Saint Peter's Basilica,
Parts of the dome, electricians at work}
The baptizing ceremony of the new eight-oared boat of Hunnia Rowing Association.
{(No picture on the dub-positive, picture on the dub-negative)}
The last ceremonial initiation of the valiant.
{A ceremony with tribune.}
The Governor and the leaders of the Valiant Order go over to the initiation- grandstand.
{The participants of the ceremony arrive at the scene with Horthy. Preparations for the ceremony.}
"Valiant, to admission, march!"
{Body guards at the ceremonial initiation of the valiant. The ceremony: Horthy touches the shoulder of the valiant with a valiant sword (as when knighting someone)}

Version 1
Γλώσσα: n/a
Ήχος: Silent film
Αναλογία κάδρου: n/a
Διάρκεια: n/a

Μήκος Κόπιας: 154 m Request Copy Button
Αίτηση αντιγράφου
Τύπος κόπιας: Positive
Βάση του φιλμ: Acetate
Πληροφορίες για τα Πνευματικά Δικαιώματα Hungarian National Film Archive, Budapest
Πληροφορίες Δικαιωμάτων Η ταινία μπορεί να χορηγηθεί με άδεια