My Childhood: Hubert Humphrey's South Dakota and James Baldwin's Harlem
[Other Title]
Meine Kindheit: Das South Dakota von Hubert Humphrey und das Harlem von James Baldwin [Other Title]
Meine Kindheit: Das South Dakota von Hubert Humphrey und das Harlem von James Baldwin [Other Title]
Year of origin: | n/a
Genre: | Documentary Film |
Locations of shooting: | n/a
Credits |
Production company: |
Don Horan
Arthur Barron
First released by: |
Metromedia, Inc.
Distributor: |
IWF (Göttingen)
Keywords: | Baldwin, Eltern-Kind-Beziehung, HarlemSouth Dakota, Hubert H., Humphrey, James, Kindheit, Rassendiskriminierung, Rassenpolitik, Rassenpolitik, USA, USA, USA, Vater-Sohn-Beziehung, apartheid policy, Baldwin, Childhood, father-son relationship, Harlem, Hubert H., Humphrey, James, parent-child relationship, racial discrimination, South Dakota, USA, USA |