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My Childhood: Hubert Humphrey's South Dakota and James Baldwin's Harlem   [Other Title]

Meine Kindheit: Das South Dakota von Hubert Humphrey und das Harlem von James Baldwin   [Other Title]
Year of origin: n/a
Genre: Documentary Film
Lieu de tournage: n/a

Production company: Don Horan
  Arthur Barron
First released by: Metromedia, Inc.
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)

Mot-clés: Baldwin, Eltern-Kind-Beziehung, HarlemSouth Dakota, Hubert H., Humphrey, James, Kindheit, Rassendiskriminierung, Rassenpolitik, Rassenpolitik, USA, USA, USA, Vater-Sohn-Beziehung, apartheid policy, Baldwin, Childhood, father-son relationship, Harlem, Hubert H., Humphrey, James, parent-child relationship, racial discrimination, South Dakota, USA, USA
Contrasts the childhoods of Hubert Humphrey and writer James Baldwin. Each narrates his own story. Humphrey recounts the joyful and bittersweet memories of his life in Doland, South Dakota.

Version 1
Langue: eng
Son: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Durée: 60 min

Longueur 562 m Request Copy Button
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