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Mitteleuropa, Schwarzwald - Herstellen einer Brautkrone ("Schäppel") in Schapbach   [Other Title]

Central Europe, Black Forest - Making a Bridal Crown ("Schäppel") at Schapbach   [Title Translation]
Anno di produzione: 1972
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: n/a

Production company: IWF (Göttingen)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Franz Simon
  Theodor Kohlmann

Parole chiave: Brautkrone, Festkleidung, Herstellen, Kleidung, Kopfbedeckung, Kopfschmuck, Kunsthandwerk, Schäppel, Schmuck, bridal crown, clothing, festive dress, handicraft
The film summarizes the making of a bridal crown, a procedure which lasts about 3 days. At first, bay means of a doubling machine, small filaments are twisted together and mirrors and various pearls are fixed onto these "stalks". A number of small "summer nosegaies", consisting of these pearl bouquets and knots, are fixed and tied together on the ornamented cardboard ring, which is already covered with fabrics. Finally long ribbons are added, falling down over the back.

Version 1
Lingua: NULL
Suono: n/a
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 17 min

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Diritti IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH
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Version 2
Lingua: NULL
Suono: n/a
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 17 min

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Diritti IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH
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Version 3
Lingua: NULL
Suono: n/a
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 17 min

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Diritti IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH
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