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Vcela (A Cooperative)   [Assigned Title]

Včela   [Assigned Title]
Country of Origin: Czech Republic
Year of origin: 1931
Genre: Documentary Film
Locations of shooting: Praha:Smíchov,Národní dům, Beroun:sklady Včela, Praha:Vršovice,sklady Včela, Praha:Libeň,sklady Včela, Praha:ulice Štěpánská, Praha:Eden,zábavní park, Slaný:kostel, Slaný:náměstí, Chýňava:zotavovna Včely, Pchery:Dělnický dům, Praha:Vysočany,sklady Včela, Horní Černošice, Praha:Libeň,sklady Včela,stavba, Praha:ulice Krymská /dříve Husova/ prodejna Včela č.1

Himself: Stejskalová Marie
  Jonáš Josef
  Šturc Václav
  Dvořák (2)
Production company: Elekta-journal

Keywords: automobily, automobily nákladní, běh štafetový, cvičení cyklistů, cyklisté, děti s hračkami, diváci, divadlo loutkové, dráha horská, družstvo potravinářské, družstvo Včela, dům dělnický, dům pavlačový, dům roubený, garáže, kapela v průvodu, kočárek dětský, koláč, kolotoč řetízkový, kuchařka, lidé s nákupy, mýdlo Pamir, mýdlo Včela, nakládání zboží, občerstvení pro děti, ozdravovna dětská, park zábavní, plovárna, pohár putovní, povoz kravský, prapor spolkový, prášek na praní Pamír, přepravky na potraviny, prodejny Včela, průvod slavnostní, rudly, šachy živé, scény nahrávané, schůze družstva Včela, schůze slavnostní, sklad potravinářský, skladiště Včela, skladiště Včely staveniště, skříně výkladní, stánek s hračkami, továrna, tržnice družstevní, vůz tažený lidmi, výstava družstevních výrobků, znak dělnický srp a kladivo, acted scenes, amusement park, associational flag, Automobiles, band on parade, ceremonial meeting, Chair-O-Plane, challenge trophy, children with toys, children's sanatorium, cookbook, cooperative marketplace, cooperative production exhibition, courtyard house, cow-drawn wagon, cyclists, cyclists exercising, factory, food cooperative, food crates, food warehouse, garages, hammer and sickle workers' symbol, hand (sack) trucks, human chess, loading of goods, lorries, man-drawn wagon, parade, people with purchases, pie, pram, puppet show, refreshment for children, relay race, roller coaster, show windows, soap Pamir, soap Vcela, Spectators, storage warehouse Vcela, swimming pool, timbered house, toy stand, Včela Cooperative, Vcela cooperative meeting, Vcela shops, Vcela storage warehouse construction site, washing powder Pamir, workers' house
In 1905, the Central Workers' Consumer Association was established in Prague, called Vcela. After 25 years, the organization expanded. At Tyl Square, a cooperative marketplace arose. The Cooperative began producing, for instance, sap and washing powder Pamir and Vcela. The central headquarters is in Prague at Kralovske Vinohrady. By way of Kladno and Beroun as examples, we can see how extensive the Vcela shop network is. In the jubilee year 1930, a number of celebratory events took place. On June 1, a general meeting was held in Prague where speeches were given by Vcela's officials. In the amusement park Eden was held a garden party on June 8 for the members of the cooperative. In the streets of Prague, a sport competition was held. More events took place in Slany (August 24) and in Horni Cernosice. Children were served at a sanatorium in Chynava. In Pchery, a new shop was opened up. At this occasion, a ceremonial meeting with speeches was held in the Workers' Centre (Delnicky dum). In Vysocany, a construction of a new storage warehouse has begun. In Liben, a new central storage warehouse was opened up. Chairman Josef Jonnas and Senator Marie Stejskalova gave their speeches. Representatives of Bohemian-Moravian Kolben-Danek (Ceskomoravska Kolben-Danek) took over the object into the care of Prague's proletariat. The development of Vcela Rozvoj was commemorated with a cooperative exhibition. Apart from products, diagrams on successes, posters and picture postcards, the visitors could observe also models of flying kites.

Version 1
Language: n/a
Sound: Silent film
Aspect: 1:1,19
Duration: n/a

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Length 1479.5 m Request Copy Button
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