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Mausohrfledermaus   [Other Title]

Mouse-eared bat   [Title Translation]
Year of origin: 1963; 1966-1970; 1971
Genre: Documentary Film
Locations of shooting: n/a

Production company: IWF (Göttingen)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Dagmar von Helversen
  O. von Helversen
  Anton Kolb

Keywords: Blütenbesuchende Fledermaus, Chiroptera, experimentelle Verhaltensforschung, Fledermaus, Flug, Geburt, Geruchssinn, Glossophaga soricina, Hörvermögen, Kolonie, Laufen, Lecken, Mammalia, Mausohrfledermaus, Myotis myotis, Nahrungsaufnahme, Paarbildung, Säugen, Schwimmen, Trinken, bat, birth, colony, drinking, experimental behaviour research, flight, hearing, hovering, ingestion, Large Mouse-eared Bat, licking, long-tongued bat, mouse-eared bat, pair formation, sense of smell, suckling, Swimming, Walking
The DVD contains the IWF-films: E 1837 "Glossophaga soricina (Phyllostomatidae) - Ingestion of Food (Licking)"; E 1838 "Glossophaga soricina (Phyllostomatidae) - Flight in Place"; C 1094 "Biology of the Mouse-eared Bat (Myotis myotis)"; E 1631 "Myotis myotis (Vespertilionidae) - Birth"; C 884 "Sensory Abilities of the Bat Myotis myotis Taking up Food from the Ground".

Version 1
Language: deu
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 53 min

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Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH
License Information Film can be licensed

Version 2
Language: deu
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 53 min

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Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH
License Information Film can be licensed