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Étude par méthodes optiques d'un écoulement aérodynamique   [Other Title]

Untersuchung einer aerodynamischen Strömung durch optische Methoden   [Other Title]
Anno di produzione: 1956
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: n/a

Production company: Office Nationale d'Études et de Recherche Aéronautique (Chatillon-sous-Bagneux)
First released by: Office Nationale d'Études et de Recherche Aéronautique (Chatillon-sous-Bagneux)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: NN

Parole chiave: Düse, Düsen, Interferenz, Interferometer, Lavaldüse, Schlierenmethode, Strömung, Strömung aus, Überschallströmung, interference, interferometer, laval nozzle, nozzle flow, schlieren method, ultrasonic flow
Three optical methods to illustrate the flow in a laval nozzle: schlieren method, interferometry, interferencial strioscopy. With trick.

Version 1
Lingua: fra
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 10 min

Lunghezza 108 m Request Copy Button
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