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Fishing out of the "Rožmberk" Lake   [Assigned Title]

Lov rybníku "Rožmberka"   [Assigned Title]
Country of Origin: Czech Republic
Year of origin: 1924
Genre: Documentary Film
Locations of shooting: Rožmberk:rybník, Rožmberk:hráz rybníka

Himself: Šusta ing.
Production company: Prokůpek Julius Praha

Keywords: cech rybářský přijímání členů, hráz rybníka, kádě na ryby, porybný, povoz koňský, ryba bělice, ryba candát, ryba kapr, ryba lín, ryba okoun, ryba štika, ryba úhoř, rybník Rožmberk, rybníkářství, ryby třídění, ryby vážení, sádky, výlov rybníku, accepting of new members, accepting of new members to the fish guild, barrels, carp fish, carps, ceremony of accepting, dac, dace, dace fish, eel, eel fish, fish farming, fish guild, fish keep, fish out of the pond, fish warden, fishing guild, fishing keep, fishing out of the lake, grading and weighing, grading of fish, horse carts, new members, perch, perch fish, pike, pike fish, pond embankment, pond fishing, Rožmberk Lake, tench, tench fish, transport, tubs for fish, weighing of fish, working women smiling at the camera, zander, zander fish
The Rožmberk Lake, founded by Jakub Krčín in 1584-1590, ing. Šusta has opened the fishing out which will be performed by the fish warden Prokeš, the fish master and "pawns". On the embankment you can see tubs ready for the fish. The fishermen are leaving the embankment on a flatboat and are getting ready for spreading of fishing net called tuck-net. After fishing out of the lake you can watch grading and weighing of fish and their transport to the fishing keep. Fish are put to special barrels placed on a horse cart. We can see various kinds of fish - carps, zanders, pikes, eels, tenches, perches and daces. Around the fish keeps you can see working women smiling on the camera. The end of the film shows the ceremony of accepting of new members to the fishing guild.

Version 1
Language: n/a
Sound: Silent film
Aspect: 1:1,33
Duration: n/a

» Complete Film
Length 316.5 m Request Copy Button
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