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Oryctolagus cuniculus (Leporidae) - Uterine Activity after Parturition   [Title Translation]

Oryctolagus cuniculus (Leporidae) - Uterusaktivität nach der Geburt   [Other Title]
Anno di produzione: 1968
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: n/a

Production company: Cornelis Naaktgeboren (Amsterdam)
  Anthoney M. Carter (Lund)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Cornelis Naaktgeboren
  Anthoney M. Carter

Parole chiave: Geburt, Kaninchen, Lagomorpha, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Uterus, birth, Lagomorpha, rabbit, Uterus
The film was taken between 7 and 17 hours after parturition. Very strong, peristaltic contractions can be seen, arising mostly at the tubal ends of the uterine horns. Occasionally a contraction arises in the middle of the horn and is propagated both peristaltically and antiperistaltically. Peristaltic contractions sometimes cross to the contralateral horn, where they are propagated antiperistaltically. The contractions of the vagina are quite independent from those of the uterus.

Version 1
Lingua: NULL
Suono: n/a
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 11 1/2 min

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Diritti IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Version 2
Lingua: NULL
Suono: n/a
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 11 1/2 min

Lunghezza n/a Request Copy Button
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Diritti IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Version 3
Lingua: NULL
Suono: n/a
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 11 1/2 min

Lunghezza 123 m Request Copy Button
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Diritti IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH