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Pre-Meeting Festival   [Assigned Title]

Předsletová slavnost   [Assigned Title]
Pays: Czech Republic
Année de production: 1932c
Genre: Documentary Film
Lieu de tournage: Brno:ulice Lidická, Brno
Mot-clés: bradla, cvičení na nářadí, cvičení žen s obručemi, diváci, hod míčem, kapela v průvodu, kladina, kroje lidové, kůň (nářadí), průvod sokolský, skoky o tyči, Sokol, stadion, vlajka československá, vlajka smuteční, band in a parade, beam, Czechoslovakian flag, exercising on apparatus, folk costumes, funeral flag, horse (apparatus), parallel bars, pole vault, Sokol, Sokol parade, Spectators, stadium, throwing the ball, women exercising with hoops
Unedited unsubtitled film material shows a Sokol Meeting in 1932 in Brno. It featured a parade through the streets of Brno. The crowded auditorium at the stadium watched these compositions: women exercising with hoops, men group exercising on parallel bars, folk dances, men and women exercising on apparatus, pole vault.

Version 1
Langue: n/a
Son: Silent film
Aspect: 1:1,33
Durée: n/a

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Longueur 275.0 m Request Copy Button
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Matériau Polyester
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