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Streamline Flow in Veins   [Other Title]

Strömungslinien in Venen   [Other Title]
Année de production: 1954
Genre: Documentary Film
Lieu de tournage: n/a

Production company: Burroughs Wellcome & Co., The Wellcome Foundation Ltd. (London)
First released by: Burroughs Wellcome & Co., The Wellcome Foundation Ltd. (London)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: E. P. W. Helps
  D. A. McDonald

Mot-clés: Blut, Fließgeschwindigkeit, Strömungsgesetze, Venen, blood flow velocity, physiology, veins
Streamlined and turbulent flow are demonstrated in a glass model. Reynolds' formula giving the critical conditions for the change from one type of flow to another is discussed. By means of dye injecting into tributary veins the type of flow at different points in the rabbit vena cava and portal venous system is observed.

Version 1
Langue: eng
Son: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Durée: 10 min

Longueur 110 m Request Copy Button
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