Βρίσκεστε εδώ: Αρχική Σελίδα


Tikar (Äquatorialafrika, Kameruner Grasland) - Opfer an die Königsahnen   [Other Title]

Tikar (Equatorial Africa, Cameroon Grasslands) - Sacrificial Ceremony for the King's Ancestors   [Title Translation]
Έτος παραγωγής: 1978
Είδος: Documentary Film
Τόπος: n/a

Production company: Hermann Schlenker Filmproduktion (Königsfeld)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Hans-Joachim Koloss

Λέξη - κλειδί: Tikar, Ahnenkult, Brauchtum, Brauchtum, Gebet, Grab, Herrschaftsformen, Jahreslauf, Königtum, Lebenskreis, Opferhandlung, Ritus, Tieropfer, Tieropfer, Totenbrauchtum, Totenhaus, Totenkult, Würdenträger, ancestor worship, animal sacrifice, animal sacrifice, circle of life, course of the year, custom, custom, custom, death cult, death custom, death house, dignitary, form of rule, grave, kingship, prayer, rite, sacrificial act

  • eng
  • deu
Following the renovation of the largest of the dead houses belonging to the deceased kings of Oku, it must be consecrated by means of a sacrificial ceremony performed by the king and the most important dignitaries of Mbele, the royal clan. After a lengthy prayer is intoned by the king, a sheep is sacrified and the burial mounds are rubbed with a mixture of blood, palm oil, and earth. While the sheep is being roasted, the king passes out cola nuts and palm wine.

Version 1
Γλώσσα: deu
Ήχος: Sound film
Αναλογία κάδρου: n/a
Διάρκεια: 9 1/2 min

Μήκος Κόπιας: 101 m Request Copy Button
Αίτηση αντιγράφου
Τύπος κόπιας: n/a
Βάση του φιλμ: n/a
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