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Miasto Ucieczki   [Original Title]

The Refuge City   [Assigned Title]
Země: Poland
Rok: 2006
Žánr: Short Film
Exteriéry: n/a

Director: Wojciech Kasperski
Production company: Polish National Film School
Producer: Andrzej Bednarek

Klíčová slova: Death, Portrait, Relationship, Sports, Violence
Tomek Wieczorek is one of the fans who has gathered for today's match. Only he knows that this match is not going to be the same as before. He's got a loaded gun in his pocket. If his team looses, he will mete out the justice himself: he will kill someone. He will kill a policeman or a fan or just anyone. The 'Refuge City' is a story about Polish suburbs - about the ghettos which are occupied by fanatical hooligans. It is a story about a friendship and the violence which leads the hero to the crucial point of his life. The film is true based story about the events that took place in 2004. The police shooted into the crowd of hooligans using the hard ammunition. The hooligans occupied a university campus in response to the loss of their football club.

The film begins on 8 May night. Tomek Wieczorek is running away form hooligans that are rooters of the opposite club. Suddenly, he is facing another group of fans who are armed with baseball bats. He reaches for the gun and his story begins. First, we meet Tomek as a 6 year old kid, than - as a 14 year old teenager. We see some short events from his life: his going to the swimming pool with his best friend, his grandpa's telling a story about the war or the explosion of the power station in Chernobyl.

Some events seem to have nothing in common with the main plot. The digressive situations, however, intertwine with a shooting into a story about rebellion, evil and fallacy. This kind of digressive storytelling leads us to the point when Tomek becomes a fanatic of Widzew - a rooter. When he leaves for the match, he takes his grandpa’s gun. This match is not going to be same. Widzew will fall into the second league and Tomek Wieczorek .... will feel the need to take his revenge.

The victims of the club's loss will be numerous. Everyone will loose: the football players, the fans, the innocent passer-byes, the police...

The fatalism of the main hero's faith gives a portrait of the young generation of people who live in Poland. These people stand aside from the changes. They inhabit the vast areas of poverty like Widzew and Bluty in Lodz, Prague in Warsaw or Orunia in Gdansk. All the fatal events bound together and create the vision of fallacy and death. The effect is the feeling of nonsense of evil and the absurd of violence.

Version 1
Jazyková verze: pol
Zvuk: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,85
Minutáž: 00:17:56

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Version 2
Jazyková verze: pol
Zvuk: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,85
Minutáž: 00:17:56

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Version 3
Jazyková verze: pol
Zvuk: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,85
Minutáž: 00:17:56

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Version 4
Jazyková verze: pol
Zvuk: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,85
Minutáž: 00:17:56

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