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MFI 131   [Original title]

Country of Origin: Hungary
Year of origin: 1926
Genre: Newsreel
Locations of shooting: n/a

Production Company: Magyar Filmiroda Rt.

HUNGARIAN NEWS 131. Released by the Hungarian Film Bureau Ltd., Budapest, VI. Paulay Ede u. 52.
St. Stephen procession in Budapest in 1926.
{Procession from Mátyás Church, priests, aristocrats in Hungarian ceremonial attire, officers}
Members of the Franciscan Order carry the Holy Right on their shoulder.
{Franciscan priests in the procession, carrying the relic}
Archbishop Monsignore Cesare Orsenigo, papal legate.
{Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo in the procession, his papal tail is being carried}
Archbishop Dr. János Csernoch.
{Archbishop János Csernoch in the procession, the tail of his ermine robe is being carried}
Governor of Hungary, (Vitéz) Valiant Miklós Horthy of Nagybánya.
{Miklós Horthy in the procession, behind Archbishop János Csernoch}
Royal princes.
{Members of the royal family}
Deputy prime minister József Vass leading the government members.
{József Vass in cassock and government members in the procession}
30 delegates of the Village Alliance from the country in folk costume
{Women, men in Sárosd folk costume in the procession}
Rád. Nógrád County.
{Delegates of Rád Village in folk costume}
{Delegates in Kapuvár folk costume in the procession}
{Delegates in Öcsény folk costume in the procession}
Kátoj. Baranya County.
{Delegates in Kátoly folk costume in the procession}
Buják. Nógrád County.
{Women from Buják in folk costume from Ormánság}
Baranya, Ormányság, Dénes Patacsi MP.
{Dénes Patacsi and the 3-member delegation in the procession}
Pomáz. Pomázi region.
{Delegates from Pomáz with brass band}
Lőrinczi. Nógrád County.
{Women and men in folk costume in the procession}
{Women in Matyó folk costume in the procession}

Version 1
Language: n/a
Sound: Silent film
Aspect: n/a
Duration: n/a

Length 158 m Request Copy Button
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Copy Type Positive
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Copyright Information Hungarian National Film Archive, Budapest
License Information Film can be licensed