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Cricetus cricetus (L.) - Hamstern I   [Other Title]

Cricetus cricetus (L.) - Hoarding I   [Title Translation]
Année de production: 1953
Genre: Documentary Film
Lieu de tournage: n/a

Production company: Heinz Sielmann (München)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt

Mot-clés: Cricetus cricetus, Feldhamster, Feldhamster, Futtervorrat, Hamster, Nahrungserwerb, Rodentia, acquisition of food, common hamster, European hamster, hoarding, Rodentia
Common hamsters strip off dangling ears from the stalk, loosen the grains and transport them in their cheek pouches. Sometimes they take complete ears between their teeth and bring them in.

Version 1
Langue: NULL
Son: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Durée: 2 min

Longueur n/a Request Copy Button
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Type de copie n/a
Matériau n/a
Information Copyright IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Version 2
Langue: NULL
Son: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Durée: 2 min

Longueur n/a Request Copy Button
Obtenir la copie
Type de copie n/a
Matériau n/a
Information Copyright IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Version 3
Langue: NULL
Son: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Durée: 2 min

Longueur 22 m Request Copy Button
Obtenir la copie
Type de copie n/a
Matériau n/a
Information Copyright IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH