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Fisch im Netz   [Original Title]

Country of Origin: Federal Republic of Germany
Year of origin: 1948-1949
Genre: Reportage film
Locations of shooting: n/a

Production Company: Gea-Kulturfilm GmbH., Hamburg

Keywords: Fisch, Fischfang, Fischverarbeitung, Hering, Lebensmittel, Nahrungsgüterwirtschaft (Lebensmittelindustrie)
Women in the production of fish nets. - The model of a high-sea-fishing gear.The network is laminated with a black liquor "carbolineum". A fishing boat begins the catch. The herring is unloaded from the deck. Without interruption, day and night, the networks will be ejected. In the fishing port, the cargo directly disembarked from the ship in the fish processing plant. Herrings are spiked and in the smokehouse they become kipper. - Processing of herring canning: a machine beheads the herrings, remove the backbone and cut the fillets into bite-pieces, the appetizers. - Herring processing on the various marinades. - Fresh fish is on ice. Fabrication of artificial ice, crushing the ice, the ice flows into the trawler, which expire the new catch.

Version 1
Language: deu
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: n/a

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