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Birth of an Island (Surtur fer Sunnann)   [Other Title]

Geburt einer Insel (Surtur fer Sunnann)   [Other Title]
Produktionsjahr: 1963-1964
Genre: Documentary Film
Drehort: n/a

Production company: Ósvaldur Knudsen (Reykjavik)
First released by: Iceland Review Film Service
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Ósvaldur Knudsen

Schlagwörter: flüssige, Island, Lava, Surtsey, Surtsey, Vulkan, Vulkanausbruch, Vulkanismus, Iceland, lava, liquid, Surtsey, Surtsey, volcanic eruption, volcanism, volcano
Shows beginning of the eruption and formation of the island of Surtsey, and how it establishes itself in the Atlantic Ocean.

Version 1
Sprache: eng
Ton: Sound film
Bildformat: n/a
Dauer: 23 min

Kopielänge: 249 m Request Copy Button
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