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Structure and Properties of Solids - 2. Polycrystals, Surfaces and Liquid Crystals   [Title Translation]

Struktur und Eigenschaften von Festkörpern - 2. Polykristalle, Oberflächen und Flüssigkristalle   [Other Title]
Year of origin: 1937-1978
Genre: Documentary Film
Locations of shooting: n/a

Production company: IWF (Göttingen)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Henning von Philipsborn

Keywords: Adsorption, Aluminium-Silizium-Legierung, cholesterisch-nematisch, Chromstahl, Cu-Zn-Al-Legierung, Disklinationslinie, Feingefüge, Ferrit, Fingerprintstruktur, Flüssigkristall, Formerinnerungsvermögen, Kristallaggregatbildung, Kristallisation, Kupfer-Zink-Aluminium-Legierung, Kupferlegierung, Leichtmetall, Martensit, MBBA, Metallschmelzen, Metallschmelzen, Mikrogefüge, Mischkristallbildung, nematische, nematische, Phasen, Phasenübergang, Schmelzen, Shape Memory Effect, Tantalhydrid, Textur, Wasserdampfadsorption, Wasserstoffspeicher, Wasserstoffspeicherung, Widmannstättenstrukturen, Williamsdomäne, adsorption, Al-Si alloy, cholesteric-nematic, chrome steel, copper alloy, crystallization, Cu-Zn-Al, Cu-Zn-Al alloy, disc lineation line, ferrite, fine strata, Finger print structure, formation of crystal aggregates, hydrogen storage, light metals, liquid crystal, malleability, martensite, MBBA, melt, micro stratification, mixed crystals, nematic phases, nematic texture, phase transition, Shape Memory Effect, smelting, smelting, steam adsorption, tantalum hydride, Widmannstätts structures, Williams domains
A systematic overview with excerpts from 10 previous films on the growth and morphology of polycrystals 1. Crystalline aggregates. 2. Mixed crystals, lattice and zonal structures. 3. Metalline mixes, crystallization and endowment of aluminium-silicone alloy. 4. Martensite, carbon steel. 5. Chrome steel, ferrite and Widmanstatts structures. 6. Shape memory and micro stratification, copper-zinc-aluminium alloy. 7. The adsorption of steam, soda and quartz glass. 8. Hydrogen storage, tantalum hydride, phase transition and liquid crystals. 9. Cholesteric-nematic transition, fingerprint structure. 10. MBBA, nematic phases, texture, Williams domains, disc lineation.

Version 1
Language: deu, eng
Sound: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 37 min

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Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Version 2
Language: deu, eng
Sound: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 37 min

Length n/a Request Copy Button
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Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Version 3
Language: deu, eng
Sound: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 37 min

Length 404 m Request Copy Button
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Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH