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Dehet pro silniční stavitelství   [Assigned Title]

Tar for Road Construction   [Assigned Title]
Země: Czech Republic
Rok: 1929c
Žánr: Documentary Film
Exteriéry: Praha:Pražská plynárna, Pecerady:lom,štěrkovna, Praha:Dejvice,Vítězné náměstí, Praha:ulice Štěpánská, Praha:ulice Štěpánská,hotel Alcron, Praha:Vítězné náměstí

Production company: Favorit Film

Klíčová slova: asfaltování, autobus, automobil nákladní, dehet, drtič kamene, logo Favorit Film, lokomotiva, lom, plynárna exteriér, plynárna interiér, povozy koňské, přístroje měřící, sbíječka, silnice stavba, spořitelna exteriér, stavba silnice, tramvaj, vagón železniční podvozek, válec parní, vozíky v lomu, výroba dehtu, a sphalt work, bus, exterior of a gasworks, exterior of a savings bank, Favorit Film logo, horse carts, interior of a gasworks, locomotive, lorry, measuring devices, pneumatic drill, production of tar, quarry, quarry trolleys, railway carriage, road construction, steam roller, stone crusher, tram
Tar is produced in Pražská obecní plynárna (the Prague Municipal Gasworks). As a side product of the production process we get coke and gas. On the gasworks yard we can see barrels containing tar to be used for civil engineering. We can see a laboratory worker in a laboratory inspecting the produced tar with the help of various measuring devices. Barrels containing tar are loaded on ČSD (the Czechoslovak State Railways) wagons; we can see a train leaving the gasworks. In Dejvice, on the Vítězné Square, we can watch people at asphalt work. In gravel quarry in Pecerady a worker is working with a pneumatic drill. A lorry loaded with a mixture of gravel and tar is leaving the gasworks. The mixture is to be used for road construction, which is also shown in the film later on (road construction in Dejvice, Prague). Road surface is then levelled by a steam roller. Then we can see a film shot presenting the Městská spořitelna pražská (The Prague City Savings Bank), asphalt work in the Štěpánská Street, Dům U hybernů (the Hybern House). At the end of the film there is the Favorit Film logo presented to the film viewers.

Version 1
Jazyková verze: n/a
Zvuk: Silent film
Aspect: 1:1,33
Minutáž: n/a

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Délka: 639.0 m Request Copy Button
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Druh nosiče: n/a
Druh materiálu: Acetate
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