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Magnetic Force   [Original Title]

Magnetkraft   [Additional Title]
Country of Origin: United States
Year of origin: 1959/60
Genre: n/a
Locations of shooting: n/a

Director: Stanley Ruttenberg
  Hugh Odishaw
Production company: National Academy of Sciences (Washington)

A film from the "Planet Earth" series: it focuses on magnetism, the Earth's magnetic field, etc. and describes potential uses for magnetic force. Different research methods are shown, such as measuring force fields at different locations in laboratories, or from helicopters or planes. The film compares early results with current research. Rocks are drilled for research, the changes in the Earth's crust can be illustrated with magnetic fields. The magnetic field of the European mountains is compared with those of American mountains. A magnetogram of the Sun is recorded. The film describes the influence of the Sun's atmosphere on the Earth's atmosphere. Rockets are used to study the relationship between magnetic storms and Sun spots. Finally, the Norwegian scientist Carl Stürmer summarizes and explains the current state of research.

Version 1
Language: n/a
Sound: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 28 min

» Complete Film
Length 305 m Request Copy Button
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Copy Type Positive
Base Acetate

Version 2
Language: n/a
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: n/a