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Kurt Lewin: Field Theory and Theory of Achievement Motivation   [Title Translation]

Kurt Lewin: Feldtheorie und Theorie der Leistungsmotivation   [Other Title]
Year of origin: 1984
Genre: Documentary Film
Locations of shooting: n/a

Production company: Fernuniversität Gesamthochschule Hagen, Zentrum für Fernstudienentwicklung (Hagen)
First released by: Fernuniversität Gesamthochschule Hagen, Zentrum für Fernstudienentwicklung (Hagen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Helmut E. Lück

Keywords: Entwicklungspsychologie, Feldtheorie, Kurt Ranke, Leistungsmotivation, Leistungsmotivation, Lewin, Motivation
Introduction of two aspects of Lewin's work - field theory and theory of achievement motivation - and demonstration of amateur footage on developmental psychology by this important author.

Version 1
Language: deu
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 40 min

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