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"Streiter heraus, Kämpfer hervor"   [Other Title]

Champions Forward, Fighters Ahead   [Title Translation]
Produktionsjahr: 1931
Genre: Documentary Film
Drehort: n/a

Production company: SPD (Berlin)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Producer: Stephan Dolezel
Author: NN

Schlagwörter: 1930-31, Arbeitslosigkeit, Otto, Parteitag SPD, SPD, SPD 1931, Wahlkampf, Wels, 1930-31, election campaign, Otto, party conference, Social Democratic Party of Germany, Social Democratic Party of Germany, unemployment, Wels
Complete edition of a film by the Social Democratic Party of Germany from 1931.

Version 1
Sprache: NULL
Ton: n/a
Bildformat: n/a
Dauer: 37 min

Kopielänge: 384 m Request Copy Button
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Kopietyp: n/a
Filmmaterial: n/a
Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH