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Jenseis der Weichsel   [Original Title]

Nazione: Federal Republic of Germany
Anno di produzione: 1951
Genere: Documentary film
Location: Danzig

Production Company: Kulturfilm Produktion Fritz Puchstein, Berlin

Parole chiave: Allenstein, Angerburg, Gdansk, Geschichte, Gesellschaft, Heiligenhude, Heilsberg, Königsberg, Kultur/Kunst, Masuren, Neidenburg, Politik, Preußen (Berlin; Brandenburg: Ostpreußen, Pommern usw. - s. Synonyme u. vgl.o. ), Vertriebene, Weichsel, Wirtschaft (Arbeitgeber; Arbeitnehmer; Arbeitskampf; usw. s. Synonyme)
A documentary about the german East March, its history, cultural history, economy and culture, as a pittoresque behind the iron curtain. Pictures of the nature in the region, e.g. its forests, lakes and fens. Details of the main cities and villages: Danzig, Königsber, Allenstein, Heilsberg, Angerburg and Neidenburg. Commentary about the region and its development in the years between and since the World Wars.

Version 1
Lingua: deu
Suono: n/a
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: n/a

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