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Norsk filmrevy nr. 14, 1946   [Original Title]

Norwegian film journal, 14, 1946   [Alternative Title]
Χώρα: Norway
Έτος παραγωγής: 1946
Είδος: Newsreel
Τόπος: n/a

Production Company: Norsk Film A/S

  • nor
  • eng
1) Spring
2) Det Norske Luftfartsselskap's (the Norwegian Aviation Company) route Oslo - Copenhagen
3) American ex-President Herbert Hoover visits Norway
4) Tree felling in Norwegian forests
5) Fish exports to the UK
6) The chimney sweep comes by tomorrow
7) The National Aid's procession of cars
8) Sobriety and restoration

Version 1
Γλώσσα: nor
Ήχος: Sound film
Αναλογία κάδρου: n/a
Διάρκεια: n/a

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Πληροφορίες για τα Πνευματικά Δικαιώματα Norsk filmstudio AS