Flights through the Senses
[Series Title]
Verarbeitung von gustatorischen Reizen [Other Title]
Processing of Gustatory Stimuli [Title Translation]
Flüge durch die Sinne [Series Title]
Verarbeitung von gustatorischen Reizen [Other Title]
Processing of Gustatory Stimuli [Title Translation]
Flüge durch die Sinne [Series Title]
Année de production: | 2001 |
Genre: | Documentary Film |
Lieu de tournage: | n/a
Générique: |
Matthias Gauer, Henry Peuschel, Thomas Kramer, Georg Betz
Production company: |
IAS InterActive Systems, Gesellschaft für interaktive Medien mbH (Marburg)
Distributor: |
IWF (Göttingen)
First released by: |
IWF (Göttingen)
Author: |
Martin C. Hirsch
Mot-clés: | Epiglottis, Epipharynx, Gehirn, Geschmackssinn, gustatorische Reize, Lingua, N. facialis, N. glossopharyngeus, N. vagus, Ncl. solitarius (Pars gustatoria), Ncl. ventralis posteromedialis thalami, Operculum frontoparietale, Tractus trigeminothalamicus dors., brain, epiglottis, epipharynx, facial nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, gustarory stimulus, gustatory sense, lingua, Ncl. solitarius (Pars gustatoria), Ncl. ventralis posteromedialis thalami, operculum frontoparietale, sense of taste, Tractus trigeminothalamicus dors., vagus nerve |