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"The Eternal Jew"   [Title Translation]

"Der ewige Jude"   [Other Title]
Produktionsjahr: 1939/40
Genre: Documentary Film
Drehort: n/a

Production company: Deutsche Filmherstellungs- und Verwertungs-GmbH (Berlin)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Fritz Hippler
  Eberhard Taubert

Schlagwörter: antisemitische Propaganda, Antisemitismus, Juden, Nationalsozialismus, Polen, anti-Semitic propaganda, anti-Semitism, Jews, national socialism, Poland
Propaganda film from the Deutsche Filmherstellung- und Verwertungs-GmbH (DFG; German film Production and Use GmbH), by F. Hippler and E. Taubert, Berlin 1940. Poland: "Nest of Jewry" - Jews compared to rats - Jewish slum milieu and "hard-working Germans" - "Hagglers" - "International crime" - "Jewish financiers" - "Assimilated Jews" - Weimar Republic "infiltrated by Jews" - Similarities between Marxism and capitalism - "Jewish" culture - Religion (with false 'quotations' from sacred Jewish texts) - Kosher butchering - Hitler's Reichstag speech from 30 January 1939 ("Exterminating the Jewish race in Europe") - "Hymn to the purity of the Aryan race".

Version 1
Sprache: deu
Ton: Sound film
Bildformat: n/a
Dauer: 69 1/2 min

Kopielänge: 756 m Request Copy Button
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Kopietyp: n/a
Filmmaterial: n/a
Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH