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Tarybų Lietuva Nr.25   [Original Title]

Soviet Lithuania No.25   [Title Translation]
Land: Lithuania
Produksjonsår: 1950
Sjanger: Newsreel
Innspillingssted: Vilnius

Director: N. Liubošicas
Production company: Lithuanian Film Studio
Director of Photography: P. Kalabuchovas
  S. Uzdonas
  B. Sokolovas

nøkkelord: Historical events, politics, economy, education, sport, agriculture, Istoriniai įvykiai, politika, ekonomika, švietimas, sportas, žemės ūkis
The exhibition of the LSSR achievements during soviet times in Conservatory, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the LSSR. Rye harvest in "Sviesiojo kelio" collective farm. The presentation of medals for 126 LSSR teachers for long and good work in the LSSR Supreme Council. The opening of new school in Kirtimai. The chairmen of collective farms, which have been presented with cars for the development of stock-raising. The meeting of the USSR boxing champion A.Socikas in Vilnius airport.

Version 1
Språk: lit
Lyd: Sound film
Visningsformat: 1:1,37
Varighet: n/a

Lengde 188 m Request Copy Button
Bestill eksemplar
Kopitype Negative
Filmbase Nitrate
Rettighetsinformasjon Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
License Information Film can be licensed
Lengde 190 m Request Copy Button
Bestill eksemplar
Kopitype Duplicate positive
Filmbase Acetate
Rettighetsinformasjon Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
License Information Film can be licensed
Lengde 175,4 m Request Copy Button
Bestill eksemplar
Kopitype Sound negative
Filmbase Nitrate
Rettighetsinformasjon Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
License Information Film can be licensed
Lengde 190 m Request Copy Button
Bestill eksemplar
Kopitype Sound negative
Filmbase Acetate
Rettighetsinformasjon Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
License Information Film can be licensed
Lengde 188 m Request Copy Button
Bestill eksemplar
Kopitype Duplicate negative
Filmbase Acetate
Rettighetsinformasjon Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
License Information Film can be licensed
Lengde 188,2 m Request Copy Button
Bestill eksemplar
Kopitype Positive
Filmbase Nitrate
Rettighetsinformasjon Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
License Information Film can be licensed

Version 2
Språk: lit
Lyd: Sound film
Visningsformat: 1:1,37
Varighet: 00:06:16

Lengde 190 m Request Copy Button
Bestill eksemplar
Kopitype Positive
Filmbase Acetate
Rettighetsinformasjon Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
License Information Film can be licensed