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Adolf Hitler eröffnet die zweite "Arbeitsschlacht" an der Reichsautobahn München-Salzburg, 21.3.1934   [Other Title]

Adolf Hitler Inaugurates the 2nd "Arbeitsschlacht" at the Autobahn Munich-Salzburg, March 21st, 1934   [Title Translation]
Year of origin: 1934
Genre: Documentary Film
Locations of shooting: n/a

First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Karl Friedrich Reimers

Keywords: Adolf, Adolf Hitler, Autobahn, Nationalsozialismus, Adolf, autobahn, Hitler, national socialism
Edition of weekly newsreel footage: view of cheering rally attendants, short excerpts from Hitler's speech, workers and people in uniforms, among them many youths with raised arms for "Heil Hitler" salutation, German national anthem.

Version 1
Language: deu
Sound: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 3 min

Length 31 m Request Copy Button
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Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH