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How to Stay Healthy   [Assigned Title]

Jak si uchovám zdravĂ­   [Assigned Title]
Land: Czech Republic
Produktionsjahr: 1933
Genre: Documentary Film
Drehort: n/a

Director: Alois Wachstätter
Production company: Wachstätter /CL/
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Schlagwörter: bábovka, hygiena ranní, koupelna, pasta zubní, pečení bábovky, reklama, stolování, tuk Sana, umyvadlo, vstávání ranní, zuby, zuby čištění, Advertisement, baking of marble cake, bathroom, dining, marble cake, morning hygiene, morning waking up, Sana oil, teeth, tooth brushing, tooth paste, washbasin
A film promoting regular tooth brushing. Mother wakes her children up and sends them to the bathroom to wash their faces, comb their hair and brush their teeth with Kalodont tooth paste. While her children are at school, she bakes a marble cake for them (to prepare dough she uses Berta S flour, Sana oil and eggs). Having finished their meal, Mother sends the children to the bathroom again to brush their teeth.

Version 1
Sprache: n/a
Ton: Silent film
Bildformat: 1:1,33
Dauer: n/a

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Kopielänge: 144.4 m Request Copy Button
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Kopietyp: n/a
Filmmaterial: Polyester
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