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Amerikas heißeste Frauenband - "International Sweethearts of Rhythm"   [Other Title]

International Sweethearts of Rhythm - America's Hottest All-Girl Band   [Other Title]
Year of origin: 1986
Genre: Documentary Film
Locations of shooting: n/a

Production company: Greta Schiller
  Andrea Weiss LZ=Line Magnetics Film & Video Laboratories (Mamaroneck, NY)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)

Keywords: Frauenband, Jazzband, Musikerinnen, Rassentrennung, all women's jazz band, all-women band, female musicians, jazz band, racial segregation
Tells the story of the multi-racial, all women's jazz band of the 1940s, which featured some of the best female musicians of the day. Although they were stars at theaters and clubs around the country, as a racially integrated band in the South the Sweethears traveled, ate and slept in a bus because segregation laws prevented them from using restaurants and hotels. Interviews with surviving members of the band are interwoven with archival footage and photos, and musical performances.

Version 1
Language: eng
Sound: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 31 min

Length 335 m Request Copy Button
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