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Das eingeschränkte Dreikörperproblem   [Other Title]

The Restricted Three Body Problem   [Title Translation]
Année de production: 1986-1987
Genre: Documentary Film
Lieu de tournage: n/a

Production company: IWF (Göttingen)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Peter H. Richter
  Hans-Joachim Scholz

Mot-clés: Astronomie, Astrophysik, Chaos, Dreikörperproblem, Goldener Schnitt, Gravitation, Himmelsmechanik, Isaac, Johannes, Kepler, Newton, Planetensystem, Poincaré-Schnitt, astronomy, astrophysics, celestial mechanics, chaos, golden ratio, gravitation, Isaac, Johannes, Kepler, Newton, planetary system, Poincaré sector, three-body problem
Computer simulation and classification of the various orbital data of a test planet under the influence of the sun and Jupiter using different initial conditions. Discussion of astronomical simulations using Poincaré diagrams to illustrate periodic, chaotic and stable-unstable behaviour.

Version 1
Langue: deu, eng
Son: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Durée: 25 min

Longueur n/a Request Copy Button
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Matériau n/a
Information Copyright IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Version 2
Langue: deu, eng
Son: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Durée: 25 min

Longueur n/a Request Copy Button
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Type de copie n/a
Matériau n/a
Information Copyright IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Version 3
Langue: deu, eng
Son: Sound film
Aspect: n/a
Durée: 25 min

Longueur 272 m Request Copy Button
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Information Copyright IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH