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Lebenszyklus der planktonischen Foraminifere Hastigerina pelagica   [Other Title]

Life Cycle of the Planktonic Foraminifere Hastigerina pelagica   [Title Translation]
Anno di produzione: 1980-1983
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: n/a

Production company: IWF (Göttingen)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Christoph Hemleben
  Michael Spindler

Parole chiave: Foraminifera, geschlechtliche, geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung, geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung, Hastigerina pelagica, Lunarperiodizität, Protozoa, ungeschlechtliche Fortpflanzung, asexual, Foraminifera, lunar cycle, Protozoa, sexual, sexual reproduction, sexual reproduction
The pelagic foraminifera Hastigerina inhabits tropical and subtropical seas. Adults inhabit surface waters and are carnivorous. At the initiation of reproduction the bubble capsule fuses and the barbs and septa are reduced. The formanifera thus sink to around 200 m depth, whereupon isogametes appear from the calciferous shell. The young form a new shell and rise during growth to inhabit the surfaces waters. The cycle lasts 1 lunar month. Including animated sequences.

Version 1
Lingua: deu, eng
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 10 min

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Diritti IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH
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Version 2
Lingua: deu, eng
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 10 min

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Diritti IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH
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Version 3
Lingua: deu, eng
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: n/a
Durata: 10 min

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Diritti IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH
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