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Lissajous Figures   [Title Translation]

Lissajous-Bahnen   [Other Title]
The Physics Experiments of Robert Wichard Pohl (1884 - 1976)   [Series Title]
Physikalische Experimente nach Robert Wichard Pohl (1884 - 1976)   [Series Title]
Produktionsjahr: 2003
Genre: Documentary Film
Drehort: n/a

Author: Klaus Lüders
  Robert Otto Pohl
  Gustav Beuermann
  Konrad Samwer
Producer: Walter Stickan
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Sound: Thomas Gerstenberg
Production company: IWF (Göttingen)
Editing: Abbas Yousefpour
Photography: Kuno Lechner

Schlagwörter: Biegeschwingungen, Lissajous-Bahnen, Mechanik, bending vibrations, Lissajous figures, mechanics
Lissajous figures are created and made visible with bending vibrations with different frequencies in two perpendicular directions, using a metal bar of rectangular cross section which is clamped at one end and carries a mirror at the other, off which a light beam is reflected.

Version 1
Sprache: deu, eng
Ton: n/a
Bildformat: n/a
Dauer: 1 min 32 sec

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Filmmaterial: n/a
Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH
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