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Für Gleichberechtigung, Glück und Frieden   [Original Title]

Country of Origin: German Democratic Republic
Year of origin: 1953
Genre: Reportage film
Locations of shooting: n/a

Distribution: Progreß-Filmvertrieb
Producer: DEFA-Studio für Wochenschau und Dokumentarfilme

Director: Wernfried Hübel
  Ella Ensink
Camera operator: Archivmaterial dänischer Kameraleute
Editing: Ella Ensink

Keywords: Dänemark, Kopenhagen, Sporthalle, Frauen, Frauenarbeit, Kongress, Politik
DEFA-documentary about the Women´s Worldcongress 1953 in Copenhagen. The speech of its presindency Eugénie Cotton. Ceremony in the danish Sport´s Center under consideration of the question in the countries Malaysia, Korea and Vietnam.

Version 1
Language: deu
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: n/a

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