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Surprise!   [Original Title]

Country of Origin: German Federal Republic
Year of origin: 1996
Genre: Feature Film
Locations of shooting: n/a

Director: Veit Helmer
Actor: Max Tidof
  Yutah Lorenz

Keywords: Automatisierung, Frühstück, Liebe, Technik
A couple lies in their bed. Its morning, she is still asleep. He rises and starts to set-up a seemingly ridiculous installaion (Rube Goldberg machine) with a bucket of water, immersion heater, an axe and a crossbow, rockets and the like. As he leaves the house - activating the intallation remotedly - the girlfriend is being woken up, showered, clothed and served reakfast, all automatically.

Version 1
Language: n/a
Sound: Dolby-SR (Lichtton)
Aspect: 1:1,66
Duration: 6 min

Length 166 m Request Copy Button
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