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NA SVATÉM KOPEČKU   [Assigned Title]

Country of Origin: Czech Republic
Year of origin: 1934
Genre: Feature Film
Locations of shooting: Svatý Kopeček u Olomouce (dnes její městská část), Luhačovice: lázně

Director: Miroslav Cikán
Screenplay: Václav Wasserman
  Jaroslav Mottl
  Karel Melíšek
Production company: Lepka
Music: Vlastislav Antonín Vipler
Director of photography: Jaroslav Blažek

Holeček, a landowner, lives near Svatý Kopeček (Holy Hill) with his niece Heda for whom he has decided to arrange a profitable marriage. He holds secret meetings with Matěj Křópal, the uncle of her future husband, and they plan the event without the young couple's knowledge. Heda receives a letter from her friend Běta who plans to come and visit her but also finds a letter for her uncle in which she discovers that she is not a complete orphan. Her mother aspired to be a singer and she left for the theatre. Meanwhile Heda's future husband Stáňa Mareš is seeking a way to escape the marriage. He does not want to become involved in the uncles' plot, according to which he is to arrive at the farm pretending to be an agronomist and surreptitiously get to know Heda. His friend Voříšek offers to step into his shoes and he tells the whole cunning plan to Běta whom he meets on a train. When Holeček discovers that there has been an exchange of prospective bridegrooms, he starts forcing Voříšek to do hard manual labour. The young man, in love with Běta, carries out his work with elan. Heda reads in the papers that a famous singer is staying at the Luhačovice spa. She travels there with Běta and makes the acquaintance of her mother. Heda also meets Mareš by chance who falls in love with her t

Version 1
Language: n/a
Sound: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,19
Duration: n/a

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Length 2364.0 m Request Copy Button
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