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Katla (Ostafrika, Kordofan) - Herstellen einer Schale aus Kuhmist   [Other Title]

Katla (East Africa, Kordofan) - Making a Basin out of Cow Dung   [Title Translation]
Year of origin: 1963
Genre: Documentary Film
Locations of shooting: n/a

Production company: Horst Luz (Tübingen)
  Waldemar Herz (Tübingen)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Horst Luz
  Waldemar Herz

Keywords: Katla, Haus, Hausgerät, Hausrat, Kuhmist, Parallelwulsttechnik, Schale aus Kuhmist, Töpfern, basin out of cow dung, cow dung, house, household effects, household utensil, pottery
Inside a farmyard cow dung is collected, kneaded and worked into a spherical shape. The mass, placed over the top of an inverted clay jug surfaced with ash, is given an even thickness and smoothed out by hand. After drying for several days this rudimentary vessel is removed from its mould and enlarged by the addition of wads. Finally, the rim is decorated in a simple manner.

Version 1
Language: NULL
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 8 1/2 min

Length n/a Request Copy Button
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Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Version 2
Language: NULL
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 8 1/2 min

Length n/a Request Copy Button
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Base n/a
Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH

Version 3
Language: NULL
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 8 1/2 min

Length 93 m Request Copy Button
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Copy Type n/a
Base n/a
Copyright Information IWF Institut Wissen und Medien gGmbH