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Zásobování Prahy za světové války   [Assigned Title]

Supplying of Prague during World War   [Assigned Title]
Pays: Czech Republic
Année de production: 1917
Genre: Documentary Film
Lieu de tournage: Praha:Nová radnice, Praha:Holešovice,jatka, Praha:Urania

Production company: Lucernafilm

Mot-clés: chléb na lístky, fronta před obchodem, krávy ve vagonech, lidé tlačící se, lístkový systém, lístkový systém, nádraží, prasata ve vagonech, pytle ve skladu, vagony s dobytkem, válka 1. světová zásobování, výdej potravin na lístky, zásobování za války, bread for vouchers, cattle in wagons, cows in wagons, distribution of food, distribution of food ag. vouchers, food vouchers, people pushing forward, pigs in wagons, queue in front of a shop, Railway stations, sacks in stores, station, supplying during war, voucher system, World War I.
Supplying of civilians with food and distribution of food against "food vouchers" at the time of World War I in Prague - unloading of cattle and pigs from wagons, food stores with food stored in sacks, press and hustle, release of food against the food vouchers. Crowds of people in front of the New City Hall in Prague. Distribution of bread against the food vouchers from a window of a block of flats.

Version 1
Langue: n/a
Son: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Durée: n/a

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