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Jaroslav Hašek's Exwmplary Cinematograph - KA   [Assigned Title]

Pays: Czech Republic
Année de production: 1955
Genre: Feature Film
Lieu de tournage: Praha: Malá Strana, Praha: Krč, Krčský les

Director: Oldřich Lipský
Screenplay: Oldřich Lipský
  J.A. Novotný
Production company: Studio uměleckého filmu
Music: Emil Ludvík
Director of photography: Vladimír Novotný

In the market place tent, the writer Jaroslav Hašek shows four different films. The representatives of the separate stories are part of the public. Vzorná škola mocnářství The first former, Chocholka, is frightened by the Latin composition. He runs into the toilet and refuses to leave it despite the insistence of his classmates, teacher and the headmaster. He manages to escape through the cabin next to his, go back to the classroom and copy the composition. Vzorné rodinné štěstí The first former Honzátko buys a hamster. The animal settles inside the upholstered couch and doesn't want to come out. The family asks the animal trader Bukla to help. He brings some ferrets to frighten the hamster out of the couch. But the plan fails after more animals settle inside the couch. Finally, Bukla's energetic wife intervenes and the entire menagerie escapes. Vzorný mecenáš The industrialist Kauble unwillingly becomes the recipient of numerous applications for financial help. He hides from the mass of petitioners in his apartment. The inventor Langhalter brings him his invention, which explodes and Kauble's home is in ruins. Vzorná láska lepších lidí The old bachelor Hanzlíček is pursued by his landlady who wants to marry him to her daughter, Anna. She tries to force him to join them on the Su

Version 1
Langue: n/a
Son: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,37
Durée: n/a

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Longueur 2724.5 m Request Copy Button
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