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Insekten auf Abwegen   [Original Title]

Land: Switzerland
Produktionsjahr: 1955
Genre: Documentary Film
Drehort: n/a

Production company: Gloria Film AG
Production manager: Adolf Forter
Screenplay: Adolf Forter
Music composer: Hans Moeckel
Director: Adolf Forter
Editing: René Martinet
Director of photography: Theodor Seeger
Set design: Mathias Burlet

Schlagwörter: Chemie, Forschung, Insekten, Schädlinge, Wolle
First, the cycle of nature is shown in the forest, insects break down dead organic material, then we switch in a house and hear about insects in the household: Moths. The life cycle and the resulting damage to materials is shown, subsequently research in chemical labs leads to the product "Mitin" promissing lifelong protection from moths.

Version 1
Sprache: n/a
Ton: Sound film
Bildformat: 1:1,33
Dauer: 21 min

Kopielänge: 224.70 m Request Copy Button
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Kopietyp: Positive
Filmmaterial: Acetate