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Islas Canarias   [Original Title]

Canarische Inseln. Aus der Serie "Blick in fremde Länder", Folge 3   [Other Title]
Country of Origin: German Federal Republic
Year of origin: 1955
Genre: Documentary Film
Locations of shooting: Canarische Inseln

Director: Hans Martin
Production company: Wilfried Maquet
Director of photography: Helmut Laage
Editing: Helmut Laage
Screenplay: Wilfried Maquet

Keywords: Insel, Landwirtschaft
A journey to the Canary Islands shows the variety of nature and the life of its inhabitants: hard work on the field, traditional working methods, young people dancing or the difference between life in caves or in modern cities. In the view of the commentator, life on the islands is generally quite good.

Version 1
Language: n/a
Sound: Sound film
Aspect: 1:1,37
Duration: 10 min

Length 259 m Request Copy Button
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Copy Type Positive
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