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MITCHELL AND KENYON 259 BLACKBURN ROYAL VISIT 30/9/1905(4)   [Assigned Title]

Country of Origin: Great Britain
Year of origin: 1905
Genre: n/a
Locations of shooting: n/a

Production company: Mitchell and Kenyon

Keywords: Blackburn, Duchess of Argyll, Louise, 9th Duchess of Argyll, Presidential visits, Princess Louise, Princess Royal, Royal tours, Royal visits, State visits
Main (replacement) title (00.07). The carriage bearing Princess Louise comes to a halt.
The Princess alights, preceded by a portly man with white hair, and is greeted by the Mayor.
Large crowds watch the proceedings. Princess Louise moves forward with the dignitaries to the
[unseeen] area in which she will pull the rope to unveil the statue of Queen Victoria. The
carriage moves off, the Princess moves out of shot and other carriages carrying dignitaries come
into view. Princess Louise, the Lord Mayor, her lady-in waiting (?), the portly man with other
officials speaking. They glance upwards at the [unseen] statue and stand back to admire (1.55). A
man standing on his own in the same location as the group previously. He holds his top hat, gives
little bows, and appears to be speaking (2.10). The Princess takes leave of the officials. The
Mayor leads three cheers and the crowd responds (2.25mins). Note: The portly gentlemen may be the
9th Duke of Argyll, Princess Louise's husband.

Version 1
Language: eng
Sound: Silent film
Aspect: n/a
Duration: n/a

» Complete Film
Length 121 Request Copy Button
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Copy Type Positive
Base Polyester
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Version 2
Language: eng
Sound: Silent film
Aspect: n/a
Duration: n/a

» Complete Film
Length n/a Request Copy Button
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Copy Type Duplicate positive
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Version 3
Language: eng
Sound: Silent film
Aspect: n/a
Duration: n/a

» Complete Film
Length 125 Request Copy Button
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Copy Type Original negative
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Version 4
Language: eng
Sound: Silent film
Aspect: n/a
Duration: n/a

» Complete Film
Length 125 Request Copy Button
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Copy Type Duplicate negative
Base Polyester
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» Complete Film
Length 125 Request Copy Button
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Copy Type Duplicate positive
Base Polyester
License Information Film can be licensed