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Marine Plankton   [Series Title]

Meeresplankton - Radiolarien (Strahlentierchen)   [Other Title]
Meeresplankton   [Series Title]
Marine Plankton - Radiolaria   [Title Translation]
Produksjonsår: 2005
Sjanger: Documentary Film
Innspillingssted: n/a

Production company: IWF (Göttingen)
First released by: IWF (Göttingen)
Photography: Jürgen Kaeding
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: Hans-Uwe Dahms

nøkkelord: Ektoplasma, Extrakapsulum, Kieselsäureskelett, Meeresplankton, Panzergeissler, Photosynthese, Pseudopodienolaria, Radiolaria, Radiolarien, Radiolarienschlamm, Sedimentbildung, Strahlentierchen, Zentralkapsel, Zooxanthellen, central capsule, ectoplasm, marine plankton, photosynthesis, pseudopodia, radiolarians, sediments, skeletal elements made of silica, Zooxanthellae
Unicellular plankton organisms comprise bacteria, heterotrophic protists, and algae. Here, diatoms and dinoflagellates represent the bulk of photosynthetic primary producers. Protists are represented by radiolarians, foraminiferans and ciliates. Radiolaria are exclusively marine and planktonic protists. The majority of species occurs down to 350 m depth. The basic shape of the cell is spherical, with a central capsule, that is covered by ectoplasm which forms pseudopodia and needles or skeletal elements made of silica. Often there are symbiotic zooxanthellae and oil droplets incorporated. The latter also enhance buoyancy. Skeletons of radiolaria dominate sediments in various marine regions. From the DVD: DAHMS, HANS-UWE (Hongkong); FIEGE, DIETER (Frankfurt a. M.). Marine Plankton. (C 12863)

Version 1
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Varighet: 20 sec

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