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Telefon   [Assigned Title]

Telephone   [Assigned Title]
Nazione: Czech Republic
Anno di produzione: 1928c
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: n/a

Production company: Ministerstvo národní obrany

Parole chiave: telefon polní, telefon v armádě, telefonní dráty natahování, telegram odeslání, ústředna telefonní, vojáci v uniformě polní, voják na kole, vůz vojenský tažený koňmi, army telephone, cycling soldier, drawing of telephone wires, filed telephone, military cart drawn by horses, sending of a telegram, soldiers wearing field uniforms, telephone exchange
This instruction film of the Ministry of National Defence and the Army and This instruction film of the Ministry of National Defence and the Army and Aviation Institute is dealing with application of telephone in the army. It makes its viewers familiar with telephone operation and battle telephone network, with its denomination; with field telephone ... The second part of the film focuses on establishment and cancelling of a telephone exchange, and on handling a telegram.

Version 1
Lingua: n/a
Suono: Silent film
Mascherino: 1:1,19
Durata: n/a

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Lunghezza 670.3 m Request Copy Button
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