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Radio in Film   [Assigned Title]

Rozhlas ve filmu   [Assigned Title]
Nazione: Czech Republic
Anno di produzione: 1933
Genere: Documentary Film
Location: Praha:panorama z rozhledny, Praha:letecké záběry, Praha:Staroměstská radnice, Praha:Staroměstské náměstí,Husův pomník, Praha:Obecní dům, Praha:Národní muzeum, Praha:Čs.rozhlas /ext.,int./, Liblice u Českého Brodu:rozhlasová stanice /ext.,int./, Praha:náměstí Míru,Národní dům, Praha:Čs.rozhlas ve Strašnicích /int./ zařízení vysílače, Praha:Vinohrady,budova Čs.rozhlasu, Praha:Národní divadlo,letecký záběr, Praha:most Legií,letecký záběr, Praha:Karlův most,letecký záběr, Praha:Václavské náměstí,socha sv.Václava

Himself: Havel František
  Franke Emil
  Jeremiáš Otakar
  Jirák Karel Boleslav
  Šourek Ladislav
Production company: Poja

Parole chiave: anténa, automobily, budova vysílače, dirigent, hlasatel, mikrofon, orchestr ve studiu, rozhlas, ruch pouliční, sbor dětský, stanice přepínací, studio rozhlasové, tramvaje, vor na Vltavě, vysílání pro školy, záběry města letecké, aerial shots of town, antenna, Automobiles, broadcasting company, broadcasting for schools, broadcasting studio, children's choir, conductor, microphone, newscaster, orchestra in a studio, raft on the Elbe River, street traffic, switching station, Trams, transmitter building
The film about starting of broadcasting operation at Vinohrady begins with aerial shots of the Prague panorama and town street traffic with automobiles and trams going about Wenceslas Square. This image is altered with a view of architectonic sights of the town - buildings of National Theatre, Municipal House and National Museum, Old Town Square and Master Jan Hus Memorial. Subsequently, the cameraman took the new building of the broadcasting company at Vinohrady and interior of the broadcast studio where Minister Franke gives a speech to listeners. Newscaster František Havel with his microphone presents a studio orchestra with conductor Otakar Jeremiáš and K. B. Jirák and then a children's choir that took a part of a program broadcasted for schools. In the end of the movie, technological equipment of the radio station in Strašnice and the building of transmitter in Liblice near Český Brod with switching station.

Version 1
Lingua: n/a
Suono: Silent film
Mascherino: 1:1,33
Durata: n/a

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Lunghezza 295.3 m Request Copy Button
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