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ASW - Der menschliche Faktor "X"   [Other Title]

ESP - The Human 'X'Factor   [Other Title]
Year of origin: n/a
Genre: Documentary Film
Drehort: n/a

Production company: National Educational Television Inc. (Bloomington, IN)
First released by: National Educational Television Inc. (Bloomington, IN)
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Author: J. B. Rhine

Schlagwörter: ASW, außersinnliche, außersinnliche Wahrnehmung, Parapsychologie, Präkognition, visuelle Wahrnehmung, extrasensory perception, parapsychology, precognition
David Prowitt investigates the world of extrasensory perception as he visits the Parapsychology Laboratory at Duke University. Subjects are tested for clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, and psychokinesis. J.B. Rhine discusses his attempts to prove the existence of ESP and its possible relationship to psychosomatic ailments and religion.

Version 1
Sprache: eng
Ton: Sound film
Bildformat: n/a
Dauer: 29 1/2 min

Kopielänge: 320 m Request Copy Button
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Filmmaterial: n/a