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Wie die Sorben die Ostereier verzieren - II. Kratztechnik   [Other Title]

How the Sorbs Decorate their Easter Eggs - I. Scratch Technique   [Title Translation]
Year of origin: 1954
Genre: Documentary Film
Locations of shooting: n/a

Production company: VEB DEFA-Studio für populärwissenschaftliche Filme (Berlin)
Director: Maria Hohnstein
Photography: Sebastian Bauer
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
First released by: Deutsches Zentralinstitut für Lehrmittel (Berlin (Ost))

Keywords: Sorben, Brauchtum, Ei, Frühjahrsbräuche, Jahreslauf, Kratztechnik, Kunsthandwerk, Ornamentieren, Osterbräuche, Ostereiverzieren, Sorben, Wohnen, course of the year, custom, egg, handicraft, ornamentation, Sorbs
In a farmhouse parlour at Hoyerswerda a man and two children scratch patterns with pointed files in cooked and dyed eggs freehand and without templates.

Version 1
Language: NULL
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: 8 1/2 min

Length 91 m Request Copy Button
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